Updates from SummerQuest Week 4
Dear Wonderful World Academy Camp Families,
It was another beautiful, fun-filled week at World Academy.
Our SummerQuest program is wrapping up ‘A Splash of Color’ and our Enrichment Camp is finishing up ‘America the Beautiful!’
We can’t believe next week will mark our 5th week of summer camp already…We guess time really DOES fly when you’re having fun!
Next week, campers in ECE and SummerQuest will kick off the theme ‘Animal Planet’ Adventures while our Enrichment campers will dive into ‘Spy School’. Our Floor Hockey Camp will focus on Lacrosse and our special evening campfire event will take place on Thursday the 14th!
There is still so much fun to be had at our camps! What a great summer so far!
We hope you all have a restful and enjoyable weekend.
Warm regards,
Kathy, Lisa and Erin
President, Head of School and Camp Coordinator