Danielle Reith
Preschool Threes Teacher
Danielle Rieth is a seasoned pro and has been teaching three-year-olds at World Academy since 1990. She started as an afternoon assistant while still in high school. She then attended Rivier University and received her teaching certificate. Danielle also has her Early Childhood Educator 1 Credential from the state of NH.
Danielle grew up in Nashua, attending Nashua High. She enjoys relaxing (if she has time), reading and spending time with her boyfriend, who lives in Milford, NH. Danielle also works part time at a convenience store in Hollis, where she’s been an employee for the past 28 years!
Ms. Danielle’s teaching philosophy is focused on each child having positive early childhood educational experiences. Reflecting upon her evolution into the teacher she is today, Danielle credits, not just to her college courses, but the learning from her students and co-teachers that gave her the most valuable information. She wants the children in her class to feel a sense of belonging and to have meaningful experiences. She LOVES this age group and their aha moments and she truly revels in HER SHARE of personal aha moments she’s had as a result of learning from her students!