Adjusting Your Bedtime Routine
Oct 29, 2014
"A Well Spent Day Brings Happy Sleep."
Leonardo da Vinci
With the end of Daylight Savings Time quickly approaching, getting your young child acclimated to a new bedtime and sleep routine can seem overwhelming for everyone involved. Here are a few quick tips to help get the most out of that extra hour of sleep you are anxiously awaiting...
Begin by adjusting your child’s bedtime and sleep routines back by 15 minutes, one week prior to the end of daylight savings time. If bedtime is usually set for 7 p.m., this will adjust it to be 7:15 p.m. Maintain the adjusted (earlier) bedtime for the first three days. On the last two days, adjust your child's bedtime again by 15 more minutes, placing your bedtime at 7:30 p.m. By the end of the week your child will have already begun to make internal clock adjustments and be more prepared for the shift in schedule.
By understanding your child's sleep requirements and adjusting his/her bedtime a little bit the week prior to the official clock change, you can create a seamless, less stressful transition for the whole family.
On a separate note, don’t forget to check your smoke detectors, and your winter emergency car care kits for safety and security at this very important shift in season!
Jessica Witkowski, ECE Coordinator